The main objective of the ESPOBAN Project is to generate and promote access to private investment for Spanish and Portuguese business projects, so that these initiatives have the possibility of obtaining private financing through national and international investors, encouraging entrepreneurship, the consolidation of business projects, increasing the competitiveness of these business initiatives and, therefore, reducing unemployment, which will be achieved through the contribution of private capital to business ideas and projects so that they can be carried out.
The Business Angels Network of Spain – Portugal aims to:
- Offer an investment alternative for business initiatives in the development phase.
- Concentrate investment opportunities.
- Provide an experience platform that benefits investors and entrepreneurs.
- Stimulate the search for private financing through promotional actions.
- Improve the quality and reliability of information flows between the investor and the entrepreneur.
The project will be developed in the western provinces of Andalusia, Huelva, Seville, Cádiz and Córdoba in Spain, and in the Algarve and Alentejo regions in Portugal. The entities that will develop the ESPOBAN project in each of its areas of action are, on the Spanish side, the CEEI Bahía de Cádiz, the Diputación de Huelva, the Diputación de Córdoba and Prodetur of the Diputación de Sevilha, and on the Portuguese side, the National Association of Young Entrepreneurs (ANJE) and Sines Tecnopolo.
The ESPOBAN project is co-financed by INTERREG V A - Spain-Portugal (POCTEP) which aims to facilitate access to private investment for companies and entrepreneurs in the Algarve, Alentejo and Andalusia regions.