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Tailored Training is a training intervention aimed at Entities and People, with training solutions that correspond to their needs, offering different responses, designed on a case-by-case basis.


Depending on the starting profiles, it is possible to obtain a more effective apprenticeship, in line with the characteristics and requirements of the job.

For people

In order to find answers to their needs, People will be able to find in Tutoring a way to develop skills in a totally personalized way and adapted to their profile.


We have the ideal solution for you.


The answers to the specific needs of the Entities can be formatted and made flexible according to their reality through:


_ Development of syllabus according to specific needs;

_ Training planning, defining objectives, elaborating contents and identifying methodologies;

_ Scheduling of training activities adapted to the functional reality of the organization;

_ Mobilization of human, pedagogical and logistical resources;

_ Organization and execution of actions, applying training methodologies adapted to different realities and according to training itineraries;

_ Monitoring and evaluation of training




Are you looking to increase the competitiveness of your company and improve the performance of your employees?


We build a training course tailored to the needs of your company and your employees, in accordance with the minimum 40 hours of training per year provided for by law.



269 000 300

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