What is the NAU Program?
NAU is an entrepreneurship support program that aims to develop business projects at the idea stage, through the training of entrepreneurs and the provision of specialized consulting services.
In addition to training the entrepreneur, the program allows structuring the business idea, defining the business plan, taking care of legal difficulties and other challenges and formalities necessary to form a company.
This program is intended for entrepreneurs residing in the municipalities of Sines and Santiago do Cacém
The NAU is a program promoted by EDP Produção, in which Sines Tecnopolo is an executing partner, within the scope of Futuro Ativo Sines.
What are the Program phases?
- Application period - July 30 to August 26, 2021
- Selection phase - until September 15, 2021
- Training plan - October 4, 2021 to February 4, 2022
- Mentorship and personalized technical support - until April 30, 2022
- Monitoring of companies created - until April 30, 2024
- Presentation ceremony - date to be defined
Who can apply?
Entrepreneurs and the general population aged 18+, residing in the municipalities of Sines and Santiago do Cacém.
Applications and selection phase
Interested parties should submit their applications through an online form available on the Sines Tecnopolo website. 20 of the submitted applications will be selected.
Preferred Factor:
As the main objective of this program is to minimize the impact of the closure of the Sines Thermoelectric Power Plant, the preferential criterion of relationship with the plant (former direct/indirect worker, service provider) is applied, taking into account the order of application submission .
Formation plan
The training plan will be short-term, intensive and practical, focused on the ideas submitted by each entrepreneur. The training will consist of 12 modules:
Module 1: Definition, advantages and awareness of Entrepreneurship
Module 2: Innovation and creativity
Module 3: Strategy and business model
Module 4: Operations management (processes, activities and logistics of the new business)
Module 5: Market analysis (customers and competitors)
Module 6: Legal framework of business
Module 7: Marketing the new business
Module 8: Human Resource Management
Module 9.1: Economic and Financial Analysis of the Business I
Module 9.2: Economic and financial analysis of the business II
Module 9.3: Economic and financial analysis of the business III
Module 10: Presentation of business plans
At the end, participants will have a certificate of completion of the training action.
Customized technical support
Upon successful completion of the Training Plan, entrepreneurs will be able to benefit from personalized technical support (consulting services), whose main functions will be:
- Consolidate the idea and preparation of the business plan;
- Guidance in the elaboration of the necessary technical projects;
- Assistance in overcoming the formalities for the creation of the company;
- Identify funding sources;
- Support in licensing the activity;
- Monitor applications for investment projects/programs.
counseling team
For each business project, a Mentor will be assigned who will accompany the entrepreneurs throughout the NAU Program.
business creation
Once the companies are created, the next step will be the elaboration of the monitoring plan, where indicators will be defined - goals and objectives for each of the entrepreneurs - with a view to the implementation of the business plans.
Sines Tecnopolo's technical team will provide a personalized proximity technical service to the companies created, through regular meetings with entrepreneurs.
Results presentation ceremony
There will be a presentation ceremony for the 5 best business ideas created through the NAU Program.
Apply to Semente Program