Project Title
FISHINN Interreg Atlantic, Innovation Roadmap for the recovery of local fisheries ecosystems.
01/11/2023 - 31/10/2026
Project Description
The Atlantic fishing industry is in decline and FISHINN wants to help by making local fisheries ecosystems more competitive and stronger.
To do this, they aim to bring together local people and groups to work collaboratively and contribute new ideas. Through knowledge sharing and the use of new technologies, they hope to create smart, circular and more efficient solutions to turn the tide of fisheries.
FISHINN has a plan for four different fisheries areas:
- Discover problems and opportunities, talking to everyone involved to understand the needs and opportunities for help.
- Look for solutions that have worked elsewhere, looking at what has already been done in Europe to solve similar problems.
- Develop an innovation plan, creating a roadmap to provide new ideas and strengthen the local fishing industry.
- Help other local fishing ecosystems by sharing good solutions with other locations facing similar problems in the Atlantic area.
Project Partners
- LEARTIBAI FUNDAZIOA Líder do Projeto (País Basco, ES)
- Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique (Bretagne, FR)
- Technopôle Quimper-Cornouaille (Bretagne, FR)
- Sines Tecnopolo – Associação Centro de Incubação de Empresas de Base Tecnológica Vasco da Gama (Alentejo, PT)
- Munster Technological University (Southern, IE)
Associated Partners
- Regional Council of Brittany (Bretagne, FR)
- Leartiker S. Coop. (País Basco, ES)
- Gobierno Vasco (País Basco, ES)
- Innobasque – Basque Innovation - Agency (País Vasco, ES)
- Comunidade Intermunicipal do Alentejo Litoral (Alentejo, PT)
- Fundación AZTI (País Vasco, ES)
- Associação de Armadores da Pesca Artesanal e do Cerco do Sudoeste Alentejano e Costa Vicentina (Alentejo, PT)
- BIM Ireland’s Seafood Development Agency (Eastern and Midland, IE)