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INTERREG IV C – EIBT SUDOE: Transnational Cooperation for the generation and development of technology-based spin-offs (EIBT) and their economic integration in the SUDOE area.

To improve the monitoring systems for the creation and development of Technology-Based Spin-Offs in the SUDOE regions. The aim was to contribute to a significant increase in the generation and consolidation of new technology-based companies and their integration into the regional and transnational economic fabric.

Thus, we can state that the project served the following objectives:

- To transform the SUDOE region into an innovative economy, in order to reduce the existing gap with other areas of the European Union;

- To make the most of the effort made in recent years in the SUDOE regions in creating R&D infrastructures, optimising the results obtained;

- To contribute to the creation and growth of EIBTs by generating business activities with a high technological content and incorporating them into the traditional economic fabric;

- To improve the support methodology for the identification, creation and development of spin-offs;

- Help spin-offs to develop and connect with the regional and transnational economic fabric;

- Develop a “SUDOE EIBT community” that facilitates the relationship between these companies and with the pre-existing economic fabric, and promotes inter-regional and transnational cooperation;

- Contribute to a more innovative business fabric through cooperation between the EIBT and companies in the SUDOE as a whole.


2010 - 2013



Executed Budget


Execution Rate


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