Have entrepreneurial ideas? Looking to find a project to invest in?
Then make your schedule plan and program the GPS towards Sines.
On the 11th of July, Sines Tecnopolo will host another entrepreneurial and innovative seminar on the Alentejo coast.
The seminar will have as its theme “Entrepreneurship and Investing. What strategies for Alentejo?” .
It will have as topics the “Roadmap for the Economy of the sea TICE”, which has the presence of specialists through the Portuguese Society of Innovation and the questions: “Which entrepreneurs? What investors?” with the presentation of the ESPOBAN project – Business Angels Spain-Portugal Network.
The topic with an unequivocal relationship with the economy of the sea, Projeto Platicemar, aims to enhance support for entrepreneurship in a model of sustainable development in the Row of Economy of the Sea, based on the increase of cooperation and innovation in the sector, making the tools TICE more efficient and increasing its sustainability. Platicemar is co-financed by the COMPETE 2020 program and by the FEDER, and is supported by Inova-Ria together with Forúm Oceano, ACIFF, NERLEI and Sines Tecnopolo.
On a theme of Iberian scope, we will have the presentation of the ESPOBAN Project, which aims to capture entrepreneurial projects and Business Angels and contribute to business growth, promoting win-win relationships between them.
The selected entrepreneurs and investors will participate in a training, consultancy and business plan development program and, later, will participate in an Investment Forum of the project.
The project ESPOBAN - Business Angels Network Spain – Portugal is a cross-border project financed by INTERREG VA - Spain-Portugal (POCTEP) that aims to facilitate the access of companies and entrepreneurs in the Algarve, Alentejo and Andalusia regions to private investment.
Sines Tecnopolo is part of this project in partnership with Anje (Algarve), Deputacion de Huelva, Prodetur-Deputacion de Sevilla, CEEI Baia de Cádiz and Deputacion de Córdoba.
If you have a business idea and are looking for ways to boost it or want to invest, here is an opportunity to get your questions clarified. Don't miss this opportunity, July 11th, from 2 pm at Sines Tecnopolo.
14:00 - Reception to participants
roadmap for The Economy of the sea and in ICTs
2:30 pm – Monica Brito - Sines Tecnopolo - Executive Director
- The PlaticeMar project
- Presentation of the Platicemar Project Business Ideas Contest
2:45 pm - Paulo Marques - Telecommunications Institute - Coordinator of the Engineering Department
of Electronics and Telecommunications and Computers of the Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa
- Synthetic aperture radars on space platforms: a sea of challenges and emerging applications
15:45 - Accelerate business in the economy of the sea and TICE
- Challenges and solutions - Portuguese Innovation Society
- Business opportunities - Structured discussion - Portuguese Innovation Society
What entrepreneurs? Which Investors?
16:30 - Presentation ESPOBAN - Business Angels Network Spain – Portugal
16:45 - Presentation of Study “Characterization of Entrepreneurship and Private Investment in Southern Spain and Portugal”
17:00 - Launch of the ESPOBAN Call to attract entrepreneurs and Business Angels
17:15 - Cocktail Networking
Participation is free upon registration of the form: